Girls We Just Love to Hate

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Though I know that despite bearing fats after pregnancy, I am still the most beautiful woman in my husband's eyes, I can't help comparing myself to other woman who have also given birth yet their body is still as astounding as they were before giving birth. Do they have secrets or is that a work of science? Are they nature's miracles? Lol. Sound of envy and jealousy. Anyway, these are just some of the girls we love to hate. Why do these girls just seems so perfect. I hate them because they are too beautiful haha! But I swear, one day I'm gonna have that bod too! Think positive!

Gisele Bundchen

Gisele during her pregnancy.

Gisele after pregnancy

What happened now?

Miranda Kerr

Here is Orlando Bloom's stunning wife. Still sexy despite having a big tummy.

Miranda after giving birth

Now, these Victoria's Secret models are really getting into me. If I do wear those VS bras and bikinis would I be getting this skinny? ;)

And this Hollywood actress is my favorite:

Beautiful Jessica Alba

Pretty as ever!

Dear mommies out there still carrying flab, these girls should be our inspiration! We just need to work out little by little and who knows, one day I'll be posing a pic of myself with the title, "Hate Me Cause I'm Too Beautiful" ahahahah! Goodluck to us mommies!!!

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