A Happier Version of You

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A lot of ideas has been said about happiness. But I think the truest of them all is that "Happiness is a Choice." Do you agree? For me, its a solid YES. While it is a fact of life that bad things can  and do happen even to good people, most of the time due to misfortunes they have no control of,  we must always remember that there's always someone who would want to be where we are right now. Think of the people who have heavier burdens than you do. And then be thankful you are not on their shoes. Do you feel a little lighter? A little happier now?

For a happier mindset, I have some tips to share. When you are feeling blue, I hope these things would somehow give a you a boost of some bliss:

1. Discipline your thoughts. Always think positively. Pass on positive energy. When you feel down, think happy thoughts instead of focusing on the annoying circumstance you are into. After all, it will not stay that way forever. So focus on the things that would make you feel bright and light and soon enough you'll have a solution to the problem you are facing without even you knowing it.

2. Do good, feel good. When was the last time you actually helped out others? Doing good not only makes you feel good about yourself but also makes other people think good about you. Nothing is more joyous than being able to help people in need.

3. Release that energy. Do some physical activities that would require you to sweat. Do you know that exercise lets our body produce endorphins? Endorphins also called "happy cells",  has been explained by wikipedia as cells "produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during exercise, excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food, love and orgasm, and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being." So go ahead and move that body!

4. Get out of that comfort zone. Do something that you've always wanted to do but had always been delaying to do because of too much excuses you've been reasoning out but the truth is you're just too lazy to make it happen. Why? Because you don't want to get out of your comfort zone and face that challenge. Why not start by devoting a day or two in a month to do something you've never done before. You will be amazed at what you can discover about yourself.

5. If you can't adjust the wind, adjust your sails. As I have said, not all the time you can get your luck. Unfortunate things may happen but there will always be ways to change how things can go around you. The external factors that affects our life are just little compared to what we can actually do to get out of that detour. You completely have the power to make changes in your life and make things really happen.

6. Be thankful. Count your blessings and thank the Lord for it everyday. Enough said.

I can enumerate hundreds of ways to improve our perspective about happiness but at the end of the day, the only way to make one happy depends on ourselves. How we think, how we act, how we feel is our free choice. So if you want to be happy , think, act, and feel happy. Aren't you glad you have that choice?

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