What? It's August Already?!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Annnnnnnddddddddddd we're done with the half of the year 2016!!!

How are you all doin'?

As I was reviewing my goals for this year, I realized that I have fulfilled only a few on my list. And its already August. What was I doing all this time? But instead of dwelling with my sluggish progress, I'll enjoy first the things that I was able to accomplish. And on the months to come, I will double my effort so I can finish the goals I've set for this year come December. *fingers crossed*

Here's the list of things I am really proud of attaining:

1. Blood Sugar Went Down. Iiihhhhhh!!! I giggle whenever I think about it! From 170+ sugar level down to 110. I'm so happy I was able to reach my number one goal! All I need to do now is maintain the number or maybe I can pull it down a little more to 100 so I can definitely say "Diabetes, you're going down!". I'll celebrate this by eating 1 pint of ice cream... just kidding! Ha ha!

2. Bought A Brand New Nissan Almera. Ok, we are still in the process of paying for the car loan, and that would take 5 years to fully pay the loan so, technically speaking, its not yet ours. But I'm just so happy we made our first brand new car purchase! It is not the high-end Almera car but we love it and my husband and I are enthusiastic about it because somehow, it indicates that we are moving forward with our relationship and our status as well. We are both frugal in some ways, truth to be told. The main reason we wanted a car is because we feel the need to drive rather commute whenever we have to go to Manila from Bulacan and vice-versa. Jayson's parents lives in Pasay and we live with my father, so we think its just practical to have a car rather than take the PUVs because I think everybody would agree that commuting in Manila is just sooo bad (with a rainpour, its a chaos... nope, not exaggerating). And with a growing and hyper kid in tow, what a relief it is to have your own car.

3. Learned How to Drive. As of this writing, I managed to finish a 7-hour driving course in one of the small driving schools in Balagtas. Somehow, it gave me confidence in hitting the road. Of course, I cannot fully say that I am a defensive driver now. It would take me some more time to be able to muster the guts to enter EDSA! hahaha! To be honest, I've discovered that I kinda scare the road. While practicing how to drive, I realized that I am not that confident driving. I always feel like I might bump someone or something or the car might not fit in small opening streets. Well... as they say "lakasan ang loob"! I give myself 6months of practicing (I only practice during weekends because Jayson and I are busy during weekdays), and I really, really am praying and wishing that I can drive on my own (without guidance from hubby) better and confidently. But this one I consider to be a goal achieved because, technically I can drive, its just that I need more confidence while holding the steering wheel. So... Aja!

4. Started Homeschooling. This one is the toughest I must say. Its really hard to teach when you know for yourself that you are not a teacher by heart. But thank God for the privilege of being a mother -- I almost always can do anything and everything! Sure it takes a lot of crying and emotional blah blah but I'm just happy we've started. Its always the hardest in the beginning, not knowing if we're doing everything correctly, but I know God will guide and help us. I just wish I will have more energy and enthusiasm because it can really be tiring to homeschool a toddler after a whole day's office work. I'll write more about homeschooling next time because a single paragraph won't accommodate my entire feels about homeschooling haha!

Still, I have so much to accomplish for this year. But I still have 6months to do so. And I am happy with the results of my goal setting because slowly things are beginning to materialize. I may or may not be able to reach 100% of my goal for this year (lets see by December), but I am glad that I was able to reach those that I really prioritized.

So, whether you're at 99% or 20% completion of your goals right now, keep in mind that the most important thing is to keep on going. Never ever compare your achievement to other people's achievement because you will never ever catch up. What you need to always check on is your own progress.

And now to end this post, I wish all of us goodluck for the next few months to come before the end of 2016! May we all reach our goals this year! As for me, my ultimate goal for December: 120 lbs weight.


Stay positive and pass it on.

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