
Monday, April 02, 2012

According to and Wiktionary the word Imeldific means:

"word coined after former Philippine first lady Imelda Marcos to mean ostentatious extravagance."

Truly, extravagance and luxuriousness must be the adjectives that best describes former first lady Imelda Marcos. But where is really known for? Who wouldn't know, of course, shoes! 

If its just lavishness for the shoes, I would be her all time fan. Girls, who among us dislikes shoes? What was that saying? "If the shoe fits, buy it in every color." I so agree hahaha! Seriously, the love for shoes may just be an inborn characteristic God has "bestowed" on every woman. Men can live with just two pairs of shoes -- black leather shoes that is almost ten years old but barely broken and sneakers that is so dirty it can be classified as biohazard. 

I've always wanted to wear high-heeled and expensive shoes. But the thing is, (aside from not yet being able to afford it) is it worth wearing these shoes while waiting for a bus in EDSA? So for now, I just prefer the flat and comfortable ones. But one day I'm gonna own and wear shoes like these and flaunt them to everyone. When I google shoes I just can't help but giggle!!!

The Manolo Blahnik shoes is to die for. Sex and the City movie made this pair even more beautiful by adding a story to the shoe.

Expensive as it may be, I still want to own this lethal weapon, err I mean this pair of black pumps from Christian Louboutin. 

I've always wanted this coach ankle boots! I think this shoe fits my very personality. 

If it just snows in the Philippines, I swear I'm gonna be caught wearing these faux fur boots:

Everybody knows wedges are my favorites!

 The sandals, strappy or not will always have a place in my heart and in my closet :)

And though I'm a great fan of heels 3 inch and above, I cannot deny that flat shoes are like my best friends, always there to comfort me.

Remember girls, when all else fails, you've got to have the right shoes. :) And to the men out there, it may be best to just accept the fact that girls just can't have too many shoes. Just learn to live with it... women and shoes will always have an affair.

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