A Look At Our Own Election

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Today marks another milestone for the American country: Barack Obama wins another 4 years presidential term. Since I am not an American citizen I don’t have much of an opinion regarding whoever should win the post, Obama or Romney. But hearing what some of my fellow Filipinos say, I deem it favorable for the Philippines that Obama is re-elected. Why? For one reason that Philippines and USA had a good relationship during the Obama period. And Obama holding the position again means the same relationship stature would continue. Had Romney win, we might have to establish our relationship with US all over again. Not that I am saying we are dependent to US, but a good bond to USA(as well as other countries) is actually more beneficial than vice versa. Again, that’s just me and I would never contradict if someone else would think otherwise :)
Looking at the USA Election, I can’t help uttering, “I wish we have that kind of election process.” Yes, that computerized, organized, fast-tracked election process. In just one day, victory is already declared. Not just for the benefit of having an easier way of voting but also for some comparisons I was able to observe in their Election which I think would be advantageous to our country as well:
1.  One Day Poll. For the Philippines, it takes more or less a month to declare the official winner for a certain position. In America, it only takes a day. And what would just that mean? More days are wasted because of the tallying of votes. A month of just focusing on our election instead of our leaders already working their plans had they started earlier. No problems are being focused on for that month and more problems are of course coming in for the country.
2. No bloodbath. Election here in the Philippines promotes crime especially in the small provinces where voting is manipulated by the powerful. Innocent people become victims of politicians’s greediness of power. If no one life is taken during the election period, wouldn’t it be nicer place to live in?
At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you voted for the one you believed in. Not for the money, not for fame, not to please other people. Always follow your heart and mind when voting. And if your candidate does not win, make sure you support whoever triumphs over the post. Remember, whoever wins if we are divided, we will still not progress. After all, you are not voting for the mere purpose of voting, but because you are a Filipino and Philippines is your country.
Congratulations to President Barack Obama! More Power!

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