Monday Madness

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The start of the week had always been a assumed as a dreadful day to begin with. Monday, to most of us especially commuters - kids who go to school, working parents who prepare their children for school, working students, employees, etc - this is the least favorite day. Why? For me, Monday used to be the most unproductive day because firstly, the time spent on traffic, secondly, because the long traffic starts the stress. Getting to the office tardy and stressed is not the right mood to start the week at all!

Now that leads me to conclusion that I can never start a positive attitude if I will concentrate on these Monday madness. I need to divert my attention to focus my mind on other things and at least reject the negative vibes from people around me who are also stressed. Morever, if I engaged myself on other things, I believe will motivate myself to be more productive.

I've figured out some ways to make Monday morning traffic somehow delightful. Hope these helps ease your Monday ahead :-):

1. Plan. While traveling from home to office or school, you start planning your day, your week, even the whole month. Write your to-do list on a paper, phone, organizer etc that you can look at to help keep on track with your tasks.

2. Write. Writing is one of my hobbies. It may be challenging to write while surrounded by the busy city but you may also find inspiration in the midst of it. So if you have love for the unspoken words, you may want to do what I've just done, writing a draft of this blog while on a bus commuting, using the tablet my husband gave to me. ;-)

3. Read. If writing is not your forte then you may want to try reading. As for me, reading supercedes my love for writing. Reading books leads me to a whole new dimension. Making me forget the not-so-nice things about reality. You may also want to read the newspapers for current events and some intellectual articles about finance, business, economy, which may help you in a way or two.

4. Communicate. A lot of communication devices are in the market right now, making it easy to keep in touch with our loved ones despite the busy schedule and our distance to them. If the week will be too busy for you, why not say "hi!" as early as the start of the week to make them feel they are never forgotten? This is also a very effective way to give and take good vibes!

Remember stay positive and always pass it on.

Good morning, Monday! You never fail to start the drama! :-)

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